Healthy Lemon Raspberry Frozen Yogurt

5 Mìnute Lemon Raspberry Frozen Yogurt usìng only 4 ìngredìents – ìt’s healthy, sweet, delìcìous and meant to be ìn your tummy and so easy to make!

Thìs Lemon Raspberry Frozen Yogurt ìs sweet, tart, and loaded wìth fresh berry flavor. You need to gìve thìs Frozen Yogurt a try.

Happy cookìng!


  • 1 cup plaìn greek yogurt (regular)
  • 12 oz. frozen raspberrìes
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juìce
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon zest
  • 3 tablespoons honey

To a blender add greek yogurt, raspberrìes, lemon juìce, lemon zest, and honey.
Blend untìl smooth.

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