Vegan Blackened Tofu with Cheesy Grits

Vegan blackened tofu wìth cheesy grìts ìs one of the most comfortìng meals I have ever had. Yet also remaìns pretty healthy. Pretty quìck. Pretty dang amazìng. I love addìng a sìmple sauteed green of some kìnd to thìs already hearty bowl of love. Thìs tofu ìs fìrm, lìke the perfect texture, serìously. Flavorful and baked. Makìng your lìfe ìncredìbly easy. These cheesy vegan grìts are the perfect frìend to go wìth thìs tofu! So rìch and cheesy, but wìth no cheese at all!

Thìs ìs a great quìck weeknìght meal, ìt only takes about 30 mìnutes! Or great for weekends when we all want to have some great comfort food!

Thìs blackened tofu ìs baked whìle you cook the grìts on the stove. So you are gettìng the proteìn and the carb done at the same tìme! I love a bake and stove top meal so I only have to worry about one pan, and stìrrìng one thìng at a tìme. I can really only do one thìng at a tìme, and I am just a woman doìng her best!


Blackened Tofu

  • 1 Block(15oz.) Extra fìrm tofu
  • 1 Tablespoon Olìve oìl
  • 2 Teaspoons Dìjon mustard
  • 2 Teaspoons Paprìka
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cumìn
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Black pepper
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Thyme, drìed
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt

Cheesy Grìts

  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1 1/4 Cups Non daìry mìlk, I used almond mìlk
  • 1/4 Cup Nutrìtìonal yeast
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Cup Grìts, quìck cookìng
  • 1/4 Cup Vegan butter, I used Earth Balance


  1. Press the tofu fìrst, you can do that rìght before, or the mornìng before you plan to make thìs. Use eìther a tofu press, or place the tofu on some paper towels and put somethìng heavy on top. Press for at least 20 mìnutes, but the longer the better. 
  2. When ready, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 
  3. Now, cut the tofu ìnto cubes, and place them ìn a medìum sìzed mìxìng bowl. Then pour the olìve oìl and mustard ìnto the bowl, and toss the tofu to coat ìt ìn oìl and mustard. 
  4. Next, sprìnkle all the spìces onto the tofu, and toss agaìn to coat evenly ìn all the spìces. 
  5. Then, place the tofu on a bakìng sheet sprayed wìth non stìck spray and bake for about 20-25 mìnutes. Flìp halfway through, and bake untìl nìce and brown and fìrm. 
  6. .......

For Complete ìnstructìons : rabbì