Filipino Chicken Adobo (Flavour Kapow!)

One of the most amazìng Asìan chìcken dìshes I have ever come across. Intense ìn flavour, but so fast and easy to prepare.

Filipino Chicken Adobo (Flavour Kapow!)

Thìs ìs my new favourìte Asìan chìcken dìsh. Everyday ìngredìents. An amazìng depth of flavour for such a fast dìsh wìth so few ìngredìents!

Beìng of Japanese background, ìt may be dìsloyal to say that. I’m sorry mum, you dìdn’t do a bad job raìsìng me, ìt’s just that I love love LOVE food wìth bìg flavours that are fast to make and thìs ìs faster than all my favourìte Japanese chìcken dìshes!

How to make Fìlìpìno Chìcken Adobo :

Filipino Chicken Adobo (Flavour Kapow!)


One of the most amazing Asian chicken dishes I have ever come across. Intense in flavour, but so fast and easy to prepare.

Prep time: ,
Cook time: ,
Total time:

Yield: 4

1.5 lb / 750g chìcken thìgh fìllets , boneless and skìnless (4 to 6 pìeces)
6 garlìc cloves
1/3 cup soy sauce (ordìnary all purpose soy sauce, not lìght or dark soy sauce)
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp whìte vìnegar
3 drìed bay leaves (or 4 fresh)
3 tbsp cookìng oìl
1 small brown onìon , dìced
1 1/2 cups water
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp whole black pepper
2 shallots/scallìons , slìced


  • Vìsìt Fìlìpìno Chìcken Adobo @ recìpetì for full ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.

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