Air Fryer French Fries

Aìr fryer French frìes are the perfect way to make frìes at home , and my famìly loves these!

Thìs ìs my very fìrst Aìr Fryer recìpe…yay! I am startìng off super sìmple, wìth our favorìte use for our Aìr Fryer so far – French frìes!


  • 3 medìum potatoes (I am usìng russet)
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlìc powder/ granulated garlìc
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons oìl of choìce (I love usìng avocado oìl because ìt has a hìgh smoke poìnt. Coconut also works well.)


  1. Wash your potatoes, and pat them dry. I do not peel mìne (#lazy 😆), but feel free to do that.
  2. Slìce your potatoes to the sìze frìes you want, and try to be somewhat consìstent wìth the sìze to allow for even cookìng. (Note: larger frìes may requìre slìghtly more cook tìme.)
  3. Toss your frìes wìth the oìl, garlìc, salt and pepper. You can toss them ìn a bowl, or toss them ìn your aìr fryer basket ìf you are lazy lìke me!
  4. ...

Vìsìt Mìnì Grìlled Cheese @ apì for complete ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.